It occurred to me this morning that I’ve not really added much to this blog in the last few weeks or so. Truth is, I’ve not been watching much pro-wrestling recently. I’ll get into why that is later, but first some thoughts on podcasting…

We released our tenth episode last week – It’s doing okay but I can’t help but notice that we’ve lost the odd listener or two since we began the podcast back in October 2015.  That sounds like a ridiculous thing to even realise but we only have around 60 keen listeners so to us it’s like Raw losing 100,000 viewers (quite likely given the current product)

Why we’ve lost people I don’t know – Although I come and go with certain podcasts so it could be that some are just organically moving on.

I got into wrestling podcasts through Attitude Era Podcast, From there I found, The New Gen Podcast, Then OSW Review and finally Bryan & Vinny.

Out of all of those podcasts I only listen to OSW and Bryan & Vinny regularly. Attitude Era Podcast is finished now and I made it all the way to Wrestlemania X7 for their natural conclusion, Although I felt they were resting on their laurels towards the end.

I checked out How 2 Wrestling, Kefin Mahon’s (host of AE Podcast) other wrestling podcast project and it was nice enough but I wasn’t the target audience so I trailed off. I love his Cinema Swirl podcast which seems to have taken more of a back seat recently. I think they are struggling to find the time for it and Sam Chaplin the co-host may have also moved away or something

The New Gen podcast I enjoyed a lot last summer and spent hours listening to it while I was off work with a broken shoulder, Other podcasts simply took it’s place and I found myself losing track. I will find the time to eventually go back and listen to all of their podcasts.

I don’t subscribe to that fucking jerk-off Maffew, Of Botchamania fame’s theory that they don’t do as well as others because their shows can be 3+ hours in length. If you do what you do well then the longer the better. Howard Stern does a fucking 5 hour show every morning and the listening figures and TSL (time spent listening) are through the roof.

Also the irony when Maffew’s podcast ‘Wrestle Bastard’ stands as one of the hands down worst fucking podcasts I have ever heard period. The guy is a total egomaniac and his care for the listener is non existent. There’s no editing and believe me if any podcast needed some half decent production it’s that one. As someone that works in in the radio industry his podcast is a crime against broadcasting, so to take shots at other more successful podcasts for a non issue is delusional. Botchamania is alright though…

OSW are fantastic and how they get as much done as they do is a miracle. I love the way the fans bug them on how long til the next episode comes out etc.

 Bryan & Vinny are always great.

I’m finding the podcast more and more of a struggle with each passing episode. Recording the podcast is fantastic and I will ALWAYS enjoy talking with Tony & Dan no matter what. They are two fantastic blokes who I feel haven’t had enough time yet to truly shine and show what they can offer. That’s simply because we need more episodes. OSW after episode 50 is a hell of a lot different than after episode 10. Every podcast needs a chance to grow and hopefully we get that chance.

The logistics of recording We Can’t Watch is making the process an absolute drag. Firstly, We lost our rights to record at the radio station I work at. Every single episode apart from Halloween Havoc ’92 has been recorded there and I still don’t really have a clear reason why I can no longer record there. On top of that I don’t make nearly enough to purchase an entire recording set up in one fell swoop and other things in my life (rent, buying a car, drugs) are taking priority at the moment. I hope this will not affect our podcast too much but with momentum finally flagging it’s becoming a worrying situation.

Secondly, Pro-Wrestling in general is in a bit of a weird place at the moment and is leaving me feeling a little cold. In some ways it’s the best it’s been in years. But where it’s best is on paper.

The WWE roster is jam packed with indy heroes, exciting young prospects and solid veterans but the creative process is leaving us with a product that’s dead on arrival. Top that off with a repetitive NXT product where wrestlers seldom get a chance to shine in an hour of weekly TV – I find myself avoiding all weekly WWE shows like the plague.

The PPVs I skip through and watch the decent matches although I’ll be watching Money In The Bank live this weekend as I have nothing better to do. The one saving grace is that the indy scene is thriving at the moment, particularly with the influx of ex WWE stars from the latest lot of releases. So all the Southside Wrestling shows I go to in Stevenage near where I live are better than ever.

Hopefully Smackdown going live in July may increase the quality of the TV WWE are putting out. But even if it does I have no faith that they’ll be able to keep the ball in the air.

New Japan is alright, I watch the odd match here and there. I like some of ROH and saw their most recent PPV in Chicago but thought it could have been better. TNA can just fuck right off. I watched Slammiversary last year and wanted to scoop my eye balls out of my skull with a spoon. The Matt/Jeff Hardy feud has got that so bad it’s good thing going on at the moment. But frankly I think it’s all shtick and they know it’s the only way to get outside eyes on a product as soiled as TNA.

UFC are creating quite a buzz in 2016 with UFC 200 boasting a mega card so I’m looking forward to that. Other than that, there’s really nothing for me to get excited about in the world of MMA & Pro Wrestling… and that is a sad thing.

Anyway, Hopefully We Can’t Watch will be back with Episode 11 – Superbrawl 3 sooner rather than later and we will keep trying to get over with wrestling podcast fans.

Thanks for reading!

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